RevolutionIzing Gaming with blockchain

Empowering 2 Million Gamers With Ownership and Innovation

About Us

Komoverse, where innovation meets connection. At Komoverse, we are passionate about creating a digital gaming ecosystem that empowers individuals, businesses, and communities to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Our mission is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge blockchain technology and meaningful human interaction, delivering games that inspire creativity, collaboration, and growth.

Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in constantly exploring new ideas and technologies to create games that are not only visually stunning but also rich in gameplay and narrative depth. Our focus on quality and attention to detail ensures that every game we release meets the highest standards of excellence.

Join us on this exciting journey as we explore new worlds, tell captivating stories, and create moments of joy and wonder. Welcome to the future of gaming. Welcome to Komoverse.

Our Partners


Core Team

Meet Our Team

Dylan Montana
Dylan Montana CSO/Co-Founder
Hendry Halim
Hendry Halim Blockchain Consultant
Honorary Board
Toto Sugiri
Toto Sugiri Chairman
Core Team
Nikko Agustino
Nikko Agustino Back-End Developer
Karuna Yauw
Karuna Yauw Back-End Developer
Johnson Front-End Developer
M Gagah Wijaya
M Gagah Wijaya Quality Assurance
Firaz M Rasyid
Firaz M Rasyid Graphic Designer
Bintang Raihan
Bintang Raihan Graphic Designer
David Maynard
David Maynard Game Project Manager
Danu Deswara
Danu Deswara Project Manager
Annisha Kirana
Annisha Kirana Game Analyst
Lulu Baeti N
Lulu Baeti N Customer Support Team Leader
Radija Customer Support
Game Developer
Anindyo Wishnu
Anindyo Wishnu Game Development/Graphic Lead
Anzar Fauzi
Anzar Fauzi Lead Programmer
Tarsisius Stanley
Tarsisius Stanley Programmer
Rizal Arifrahman
Rizal Arifrahman Animator
Dadi Ferdiansyah
Dadi Ferdiansyah Music/SFX Artist
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